Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Paws in the Park a huge success!

Paws in the Park on Sunday was a huge success! We had the biggest turnout in recent memory, with about 1,200 people and their dogs coming out to Kit Carson Park to show their support. We don't have any final numbers yet, but we have raised more than $90,000 for animals awaiting a home at the shelter, as well as those who will come to us this year in need of safe shelter, loving care and, most importantly, a new home. Your support at Paws in the Park - and throughout the year - has truly made a difference in their lives.

On behalf of the animals, THANK YOU to everyone who helped at Paws in the Park – including volunteers, vendors, sponsors, all who donated and all the walkers (and their dogs!).

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Paws in the Park countdown - 1 day!

Paws in the Park is finally here! The dog walk is tomorrow at Kit Carson Park from 9 a.m. to noon. Bring your canine companion and help us raise funds for animals awaiting a home at the shelter, as well as awareness for all homeless animals who need us now more than ever.

If you haven't registered yet, log on to our Web site (www.escondidohumanesociety.org), download a pledge form, and bring it filled out to the walk tomorrow. Don't miss out on all the fun, including contests, games, walk warm-up with Tamilee Webb of "Buns of Steel" fame, raffle, incentive prizes and much more!

We hope to see you tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

TV stars

Three Escondido Humane Society adoptable dogs were featured on the news in the past few days. Snowflake, Clarke, and Marley all had their close-ups, and they did so well!

To see Clarke and Snowflake, click on the link below and scroll down until you see the link with their name.


Click here to see Marley on KUSI:


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Paws in the Park countdown - 12 days!

Paws in the Park is sure to be a howling good time for people and pets alike! Event highlights include:

Canine Couture fashion show: Come dressed to impress for this fun contest! Bedeck your dogs in their most fashionable ensembles and have them strut their stuff down the runway. First-, second- and third-place prizes will be awarded to the most dapper dogs.

Wet T-shirt contest (for the dogs, of course!): Dogs and their owners will compete in this fun twist on the wet T-shirt contest. During each heat, teams run to one end of the course, dogs squeeze into a wet T-shirt, and everyone runs back to the start. The first team back to the start wins!

Walk warm-up: Tamilee Webb, star of the "Buns of Steel" series, will be on-hand to get everyone pumped up for the walk.

Paw expo: Don't miss out on our vendor expo, where vendors such as Allie's Party Rental, Dogtopia and Best Friends Pet Care will be on-hand with their products.

Register online at www.firstgiving.com/ehs, and join us as we walk together in an effort to eliminate homelessness among companion animals.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Benefit concert for the Escondido Humane Society

If you like music - and helping animals in need - we have the event for you! Metaphor Cafe in Escondido is hosting a benefit concert from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday, March 22. Gone to Oblivion, Charley and Blues Pharaohs are scheduled to perform. Cost is $5 for all ages, and the proceeds will go to the Escondido Humane Society! Metaphor Cafe is at 258 E. Second Ave.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Paws in the Park countdown - 19 days!

Paws in the Park is only 19 days away, so now is the time to start the fundraising push! Here are some tips to get you on your way to reaching your goal:

Create your own custom-designed fundraising Web page at www.escondidohumanesociety.org. E-mail your personalized fundraising page to your friends and family. Why not encourage them to give to your page? They can help animals in need while helping you reach your goal!

Don't be shy! Remember, you are not asking for money for you - you are asking on behalf of animals like Bingo (pictured here) who cannot ask for themselves! Be proud of what you are doing, and your supporters will be proud of you, too!
Ask if your company offers matching gifts. This is a great way to increase your donations.

Set a fundraising goal, and be sure to aim high!

Wear a pin on your jacket or purse advertising the cause.

Get the kids involved! Have a bake sale, craft sale, book sale, garage sale ... basically any kind of sale!

Even though many of us cannot donate as much as we would like, every dollar makes a difference for the animals. We directly transform your Paws in the Park sponsorships into safe shelter, healthy food and a loving environment for thousands of local animals every year. In these tough times, they need us now more than ever!

We hope to see you on March 29 at Paws in the Park!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Paws in the Park countdown: 25 days!

Paws in the Park is only 25 days away, but there is still plenty of time to register and begin your fundraising efforts.

How to participate:

Sign up: Go to http://www.escondidohumanesociety.org/ and create your own fundraising page. You can also register on event day.

Set a goal: Set a challenging, but attainable, goal and share it with everyone you know! Remember: You are not asking for yourself. You are asking for animals who can't ask for themselves, so aim high!

Raise money and earn prizes: Be creative and keep the FUN in fundraising. Raise a minimun of $50 and receive an event T-shirt.

Walk: Bring you canine companion, friends, family and co-workers and walk together in an effort to eliminate homelessness among companion animals. Already booked on March 29? Join us as a virtual walker! Don't have a pet of your own but still want to help? Join us in honor or memory of a pet who made a difference in your life. Have feline friends? Consider letting them cat-nap the afternoon away and join us in their honor.

Celebrate: Join us at the post-walk celebration for fun, food, activities, entertainment and vendor booths. We want to celebrate YOU and the crucial role you play in raising money for the animals who need us the most.