Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Please give to the animals this holiday season

Two days before Christmas 2008, Bella huddled under a warm car in Escondido. She was 1 year old and weighed only 15 pounds, far from the 50 pounds she would weigh if she had a kinder life. She was alone, cold and starving. A Good Samaritan noticed a white tuft of fur poking from under the car and was shocked at what he found. He frantically called the Escondido Humane Society and stayed by her side, comforting her, until a Humane Officer arrived at the scene.

Bella, named for her beauty despite her shocking condition, was gently scooped up by our Humane Officer and rushed to the Escondido Humane Society. EHS medical staff, working for hours, stabilized her as best they could. Even with medical intervention, Bella was not expected to survive. A caring Humane Society foster home was located, with the understanding that the best we may offer her was medical care to ease her pain, tenderness, companionship, and a warm, safe bed so Bella will at least know some love in her short life. She would not be alone again, especially on Christmas.

Bella survived the night. And the next. She made it through the holidays. Bella often laid curled up on a blanket on the couch, gently nuzzling her foster family and eating a spoonful of special food every hour. She ate, and ate ... and ate, gaining 15 pounds in less than four weeks. Soon, she started trotting along the yard and playing. She quickly learned about tennis balls ... how to make them bounce, how to fetch, and how to jump in the air for the sheer fun of it. She approached people for affection and praise. She gave even more love back.

When her foster mom went back to work after New Year's, she took Bella to doggy daycare so she could continue to receive round-the-clock care. It was on her first day there that Bella would find her forever family, who fell in love with her at first sight. Her family came to see her every day until she was strong enough to go home. Bella is now living near the beach with her family, including a black Lab brother, and they never leave each other's side.

We hope that Bella does not remember the first year of her life. We hope that she does not even remember us. As her new family celebrates their first holidays together, we wish for Bella - and all animals - to only know the life they deserve, the life that is now hers.

Bella is one of 5,000 homeless, neglected and abused animals who come to the doors of the Escondido Humane Society each year, and one among the 155,000 more we protect in our community. Every day, for every animal, we are here, faithfully devoted to giving them the life they deserve. No matter their age, their health, or their intensive needs, we welcome all homeless animals in our area, offering them shelter, safety, medical care and love. Our door is always open.

For animals like Bella, we are often their very last hope. Despite seemingly insurmountable odds, they don't give up on us. Nor do you give up on them. You have faith that you can make a difference for animals, however big or small. Donors, volunteers and adopters like you don't simply give up on animals because it's easier to walk away. You know it's worth it. You know they deserve it. And through your support to the Escondido Humane Society, one by one, we give these precious animals the life they deserve.

Please support the Escondido Humane Society this holiday season so we can continue our lifesaving work. Every animal, every day, deserves a safe place to call home. They depend on all of us. And we depend on you. They don't ask for much, and every bit makes a difference. For animals like Bella, it's the difference of a brand new life.

Wishing you and yours a holiday season filled with love, joy, and faith.


The Escondido Humane Society

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